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Properties are what is used to describe the game data structure.


The following functions are all returning objects which should be considered of type Property.


Property.newBoolean(defaultValue: boolean)
For boolean values (true or false).


Property.newNumber(defaultValue: number)
For any numbers (-11.78, 0, 1, 5.8907). Positive and negative infinity is not allowed.


Property.newInteger(defaultValue: number)
For numbers which are integers (0, 1, 5, -10). Positive and negative infinity is not allowed.


Property.newPositiveInteger(defaultValue: number)
For numbers which are integers superior than zero (1, 2, 3, ...). Positive infinity is not allowed.


Property.newString(defaultValue: string)
For any string value.


Property.newList(elementProperty: Property, getDefault: function?)
For values which are list-like tables in Lua. All the elements of the list must satisfy the constraints given by the elementProperty.

For example, to create a list of integers:

local listOfInteger = Property.newList(Property.newInteger())

To create a list of booleans, with a default value being with one element equals to true:

local list = Property.newList(
    function() return { true } end


Property.newObject(interface: { string: Property })

For values which are dictionary-like tables in Lua. Each field of the interface must be a string made only from letters, numbers or underscores. Example:

local object = Property.newObject(
    newPlayerMoney = Property.newPositiveInteger(100),

You can nest objects if you want to:

local object = Property.newObject({
    newPlayerMoney = Property.newPositiveInteger(100),
    featureFlags = Property.newObject({
        useCheaperItems = Property.newBoolean(false),
        allowDepositToBank = Property.newBoolean(true),